even as we speak,
the planet
absorbing all
our toxins
for god knows
how long
my naked body
akin to nature
triangle tan lines
peeing in the ocean
peeing on the side of the road
at 2am
soaked in fluids
I shitted
my college money away
on a fake fendi
from ebay
the planet understands
things we don’t
time helps me
memories help me
I can grow
don't you believe me?
soak up my bullshit
feel my moisture
touch the flaccidity
of these words
my mom raised us
not to speak
it’s elegant that way
was invented
to keep us
in our cages
I love things
that lack form
like a flaccid penis
but I can push through this differently
I can sit in solidarity with prisoners
my body functions
can give me jail time
no, I mean
I’m a woman
who uses her cunt
I want to say a lot
about my cunt
that’s all you care about, no?
my cunt opened wide
three years later
I’m still drowning in it
wet and red
swollen and tender
a dead fetus
two buoyant boys
swimming in placenta
electric eels
around my waistline
bubbles in my brain
sewn back together
enclose all my oceans
unmoored again
look up and there’s mountains drenched in fog and moss
look down and there’s swamps and cold blooded reptiles and oceans full of slimy things
moisture keeps my cunt working and my throat coated and my hair looking like a South American Farrah Fawcett
when I think of moisture
I think of the supreme supernatural
complicated things
like condensation
like the corroboration of the superior sex
but I push it away
I don’t know what these words are
I don’t speak
everyone else does for me
the planet uses my cunt to survive
cunts are part of the ecosystem